
[TISC2009]Marc Chimowitz教授谈SAMMPRIS研究

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/6/24 13:28:00





International Circulation:  What are the objectives and design of SAMMPRIS trial?  
Prof. Chimowitz:  The SAMMPRIS was designed to answer the question of whether stenting of intracranial artery adds benefit to aggressive medical therapy alone in treating patients with intracranial arterial stenosis.  Stenting has emerged as a treatment option but has not yet proven to be better than medical therapy so the purpose of SAMMPRIS is to see whether it is better than medical therapy. 
International Circulation:  Can you comment on the enrollment and progress of the SAMMPRIS trial?  Are there any trends in the preliminary results?
Prof. Chimowitz:  The enrollment is actually going quite well; we are a little ahead of schedule.  We do not have trends because the comparison data are not available for to see until the study is over.  So it probably be another five or six years befire we know. 
International Circulation:  How can we reduce the risk of in-stent stenosis when we treat the symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis patients with stent placement?
Prof. Chimowitz:  That is a difficult question.  Re-stenosis has emerged as a potential problem; From earlier studies, we know that it has occurred with the stent we are using in probably about 25 to 30% of the patients but the vast majority of those patients do not have any new symptoms.  So whether it will actually turn out to be an important cause of stroke still needs to be determined. 
International Circulation:  In recent years, drug-eluting stents have been widely used in the treatment of coronary artery disease. In contrast, progress in the use of DES among symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis patients has been limited. What do you think may be the reason for this?
Prof. Chimowitz:  Actually the main reason is that the U.S. FDA has not approved drug-eluting stents for treatment of brain arteries.  Also the drug eluting stents that are available are coronary designed stents which are hard to maneuver in the intracranial circulation, so they are much harder to deliver.  So these are the main reasons why they have not become part of the established treatment for intracranial stenosis. 


Marc ChimowitzSAMMPRIS支架颅内动脉狭窄

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