
[GWICC2009]Christopher O’Connor教授谈急性心力衰竭新进展

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/6 10:07:00


International Circulation: Acute heart failure syndromes remain a major threat to both patients and also a difficult issue for doctors. Could you please give us a brief summary of the latest advance in this area? 《国际循环》:急性心力衰竭症候群仍是患者的一个主要的威胁也是医生的一个难题。能请您简要总结一下该领域的最新进展吗?

International Circulation:Heart failure clinic seems a promising approach to meet the challenge of reducing mortality and re-hospitalization rates of heart failure. Could you talk about the components, operation, function and goals of HF clinics? What is the reality of HF clinics in US?


Christopher O’Connor: I think it is a promising approach to some of these issues.  Heart failure clinics that help with the management of the disease are very important because they can detect and function in a way to detect early decompensation.  Our heart failure clinics are run by nurse practitioners who are trained to provide surveillance 24/7 for a large cohort of patients.  That means when a patient is beginning to decompensate they can begin getting intervention and get to a clinic.  This can prevent some of the more catastrophic hospitalizations where patients are sicker and have gone further down the line in terms of deterioration.

Christopher O’Connor: 我认为<

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急性心力衰竭长城会Christopher O’Connor

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