

作者:  Vardas   日期:2011/9/1 17:49:28



    <International Circulation>:The indications of CRT and ICD therapy overlap patient suitable for CRT may have indications for ICD, no matter the primary or secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. And most clinical trials with positive results were based on CRT-D therapy. Dose this mean that CRT-D was preferred to CRT-P in any situation? Considering the financial problems and clinic outcomes, how can we optimize these choices?


    Prof Vardas: it is true that the guidelines do not separate clearly who should receive CR T P or D. I would like to remind you that 80% of the implanted devices in Europe are CRT-D. This is because the physicians are more comfortable with their patients using the defibrillation system as a protectectiv e device. I accept that the CRT-D device is more expensive but to a significant degree provides better protection for patients with low ejection fractions.




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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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