
[CHC2014] 解析2014 美国瓣膜性心脏病指南更新 ——美国密歇根大学心血管中心Steven F. Bolling教授专访

作者:  StevenF.Bolling   日期:2014/8/15 13:53:24



  International Circulation: Looking at differences, let’s take a look at the 2012 European guidelines versus the US guidelines. What do we see?


  Dr. Bolling: The differences between the American guidelines now with the new update in 2014 and the 2012 European guidelines are almost nothing. That is very reassuring to us that both groups that independently look at the data are pretty much on the same page. Before on the old guidelines from 2008, the American guidelines were somewhat behind if you will from the European guidelines, but now they are very matched up, and that is very reassuring for us as doctors or patients.

  Bolling教授:美国2014年最新更新的指南与2012 欧洲指南几乎没有差异。令人欣慰的是,两部指南均对相关的相同数据予以关注。与欧洲指南相比,2008年美国指南有些落后;但随着美国指南2014年的更新,两者具有了较好的一致性,让医生和患者更放心。

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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:侯丹丹


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